Writing Reflection 03: Design Justice + Inclusive Design

The writing reflection for this week covers the lectures "Design Justice" and "Inclusive Design". This reflection is due on 2/10 at 12pm.

Note that the course staff are looking for your own thoughts on these topics. Writing in the first person, taking divergent viewpoints, and bringing in ideas from outside of class are encouraged. Write as if you are targeting a public audience. Particularly insightful or convincingly contrarian statements might be shared with the entire class in lecture or in the course slack.

With this writing reflection, I'd like you to focus on ChatGPT. The idea is for you to practice identifying embedded assumptions and brainstorm redesign options to improve inclusiveness. Write your reflection based on the following process:

  1. Critique the technology device.
  2. Identify implicit assumptions about users present in the design.  
  3. Pick one assumption you identified and imagine how it could lead to exclusion.
  4. Re(design) the technology by brainstorming ways to change the design so that it doesn’t rely on the chosen assumption. 


Each reflection should be between 500 - 1000 words and in paragraph form. It will be graded in terms of:

Does the reflection adequately address the prompt?

Does the reflection reference the readings and class discussions to support the writing?

Does the reflection exhibit thoughtfulness and creative expression?

Does the reflection utilize proper grammar and style?

Is the reflection an appropriate length?

Submission Instructions

  • Submit to Canvas