Guest Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Teves

Thu, Mar 30

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Teves

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Teves

Today our guest speaker will be Dr. Jennifer Teves from the Healthcare Company, Teladoc Health. She will talk about her experience in industry. You can read a summary of her talk and her bio below. 

Title: Ethics in UX Tech Industry

Summary:  DR. Teves will talk about her experience of what role ethics plays in her everyday job. She will also talk about diversity in technology by considering aspects of the workplace where diversity is changing the nature of things. By considering the challenges that women and men are facing at tech companies, she will guide us in exploring ideas for increasing the participation of programmers of color in tech.

BioJen is currently working for Teladoc Health as a Sr Director for User Experience Research. Prior to Teladoc, Jen was the Director for Product Research at Best Buy leading omnichannel customer & employee experiences across digital and physical environments. Her research experiences include the domains of retail, enterprise data management, connected homes and industries, unmanned aerial vehicles, and healthcare. 

Jen is a proud Filipina-American who was born and raised in the Philippines and came to the United States where she earned her doctorate degree in Human Factors Psychology. She prides herself for having childlike wonder and curiosity because it reminds her of the many things she still has to learn. For her, product researchers have the power to help design and build a world that every single human being can access, enjoy, and thrive in.  

She is fascinated about textiles from around the world because it tells stories of the land, the history, and the people living in it. She geeks out about native trees, monarch butterflies and preservation of their habitats. The most important fact about Jen is her dog named Datu (dah-too) who is 34% terrier, 13% lab, 13% shepherd, 40% others summing up to 100% boss.