Guest Speaker: Dr. Daricia Wilkinson

Tue, Apr 18

Guest Speaker: Dr. Daricia Wilkinson

Today our guest speaker will be Dr. Daricia Wilkinson from Microsoft Research. She will discuss her experience within the field of responsible AI. 

Title: Responsible AI: Minimizing the Risks to Maximize the Benefits

Summary: Artificially Intelligent (AI) technologies have taken a major role in the daily interactions of billions of people on a global scale. Although there have undoubtedly been significant advances in AI there have also been increasing concern around the societal impact surrounding the integration and use of these types of technologies. The research, development, and deployment of responsible AI often requires a sociotechnical scope to fully acknowledge technical, design, institutional, and policy influences to ensure people could truly maximize the benefits of AI. In this talk, I will provide an overview of what it means to take a responsible people-centered approach to AI by exploring ways to empower users, support practitioners, and enable the participation of voices often left out in designing systems that are built responsibly.


Dr. Wilkinson is a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics (FATE) group at Microsoft Research. Daricia is passionate about finding ways to design safety tools to make the internet a safer place for all people. As such, her work weaves together strings from Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence to highlight opportunities for fairness, transparency, and justice online. Prior to joining MSR, she earned her Ph.D. in Human- Centered Computing at Clemson University under the advisement of Dr. Bart Knijnenburg. Daricia’s dissertation investigated alternative pathways for the design of justice-oriented safety countermeasures particularly for people in non-Western contexts. During her tenure as a graduate student, she was named as Meta Fellow (formerly Facebook), Google Scholar, and in 2022 she was named one of the top 100 women in AI ethics.