Writing 02: What does success look like?

The writing reflection for this week covers the lectures "I Was a Stranger" and "Advancing Your Career". This reflection is due on 9/19 at 5:00pm.

Note that the course staff are looking for your own thoughts on these topics. Writing in the first person, taking divergent viewpoints, and bringing in ideas from outside of class are encouraged. Write as if you are targeting a public audience. Particularly insightful or convincingly contrarian statements might be shared with the entire class in lecture or in the course slack.

With this writing reflection, consider your path to success and the implications it may have on others:

  1. What is your gameplan to negotiate your first real job offer? One must always negotiate! If you haven't considered this question before, now is the time to start putting a strategy together that you are comfortable with and that will be good for your early career. If you've already thought long and hard about this, lay out your path to success. What will you try to achieve in the negotiation and why? (If you're thinking about graduate school or some other professional school, think ahead to your first job after earing your graduate degree.)
  2. Assuming your negotiations are successful, you may find yourself in the elite tier of tech workers. Put your future job in context within the broader economy. What does your personal success mean for others in your community and country? Examine this through the lens of one of the three ethical frameworks we discussed in the second unit.


Each reflection should be between 500 - 1000 words. It will be graded in terms of:

Does the reflection adequately address the prompt?

Does the reflection reference the readings and class discussions to support the writing?

Does the reflection exhibit thoughtfulness and creative expression?

Does the reflection utilize proper grammar and style?

Is the reflection an appropriate length?

Submission Instructions

  • Prepare a doc in that folder named using this convention: lastname_firstname_duedate. Example: Joyce_Ellen_091923
  • The TAs will collect each assignment directly from your drive after it is due