I Was a Stranger

Tue, Sep 12

Today's lecture will dig into the immigration debate in tech. The discussion is often framed in terms of the larger debate around immigration within the United States, but the real story is a bit more nuanced. We'll dig into the specifics and ask some tough questions about the supply and demand of tech workers in this country. 

We have three main in-class learning goals.  By the end of lecture today you will:

  1. Understand the details of the H-1B visa process, including why this visa type was established, why it became popular in the tech industry, and how companies found ways to exploit it.
  2. Reflect on the role of international talent in the domestic tech industry.
  3. Reflect on trends in STEM education within the United States. 

The slides for today's lecture.

Read This:

Crash course on the H-1B visa from For What It's Worth on Medium

Krishnadev Calamur writing in the Atlantic that The U.S. System for 'Skilled' Migrants is Broken

Issie Lapowsky writing in Wired on the recent surge of visa rejections for tech workers

Sheldon Waite blogging for the ACM on how Immigrants Help Solve the Looming STEM Worker Shortage


The past four years in American politics has generated a vigorous debate over immigration in tech. These supplemental readings raise further arguments for and against the current visa system:

Don't Give Silicon Valley More H1B Visas

H-1B: Foreign citizens make up nearly three-quarters of Silicon Valley tech workforce, report says

Is the H-1B Program a Cynical Attempt to Undercut American Workers?

Not Everyone in Tech Cheers Visa Program for Foreign Workers 

Companies Say Trump is Hurting Business by Limiting Legal Immigration

Silicon Valley's "Body Shop" Secret: Highly Eduacted Foreign Workers Treated Like Indentured Servants

Engineers Are Leaving Trump's America for the Canadian Dream

Do This:

Writing Reflection 02

See the instructions posted on the assignment's page

This writing reflection is due on 9/19 at 5pm.

This Week's Dialogue Group Meeting

Find at least one hour to meet with your group to discuss the prompt of the week: How have you approached the meritocracy in your own education?

Reading Quiz 03

The form for Reading Quiz 03 follows below. If you can't see the form below, try this direct link.


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