Building a Better Future

Tue, Dec 05

We did it! After a long and tiring survey of today's technology landscape, we made it to the end of the semester. In our final session, we'll do a debrief to find out where we landed on the most important ethical dilemmas. Importantly, we'll figure out if our ethical frameworks were helpful, and muster some plans for improving various technologies going forward. Nearly all of you will end up working in the technology industry following graduation, meaning the real ethical dilemmas are just around the corner!

We have two main in-class learning goals. By the end of lecture today you will:

  1. File away the most important lessons from this class for future use in your career. 
  2. Imagine new possibilities for the future of computer technology.

The slides for today's lecture.

Read This:

Ian Bogost requests in The Atlantic that Programmers Stop Calling Themselves Engineers 

Jeff Atwood blogging about Bridges, Software Engineering, and God

Ross Baird writes a letter in Tech Crunch that begins with Dear Silicon Valley: America's Fallen Out of Love With You

Bruno Maçães tells us that The Metaverse is Here

Joanna Stern spends 24 Hours in the Metaverse for the Wall Street Journal

Wessel Reijers and Mark Coeckelbergh bring Virtue Ethics to Video Games

Do This:

This Week's Dialogue Group Meeting

Find at least one hour to meet with your group to discuss the prompt of the week: Why does contemporary society seemingly disregard data privacy?

Schedule your group meeting for next week. Why is the technology world still struggling with security vulnerabilities in 2023?

Project 03

This project is due Thursday 12/14 at 5pm.

The project for this unit on Information Security will be an Infographic that summarizes your group's dialogues over the course of the next several weeks. Review the instructions that have been posted on the Project 03 page.

Please complete the Team Member Evaluation Form and drop it in your Google drive folds that is shared with Louisa before the project deadline. 

Reading Quiz 14

The form for Reading Quiz 14 follows below. If you can't see the form below, try this direct link.

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