Asking Good Questions

Thu, Aug 24

In this session we'll start looking at potential ethical frameworks to apply to the study of technology (including specific technologies and the technology industry itself). In general, we'll learn that asking good questions is key to any exploration of the ethics of a situation. 

We have three main in-class learning goals.  By the end of lecture today you will:

  1. Learn the importance of applying an established and relevant ethical framework to a situation of interest.
  2. Understand the Utilitarian mode of analysis, along with its strengths and weaknesses when applied to ethical dilemmas in technology.
  3.  Understand the Kantian mode of analysis, along with its strengths and weaknesses when applied to ethical dilemmas in technology.

The slides for today's lecture.

Read This:

A primer on the Utilitarian framework: The Best Action is the One with the Best Consequences (Hospers)

A primer on the Kantian framework: The Best Action is the One in According with Universal Rules (Rachels)

Do This:

Once you have completed the readings, fill out the following quiz. If you can't see the form below, try this direct link.

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