Ethical-oriented Decisions and Unintended Consequences (Spring)

Thu, Jan 26

In this session, we're going to continue our conversation about ethical dilemmas and the unintended consequences of decisions. We'll also get a crash course on peer dialogue.

We have two main in-class learning goals. By the end of lecture today you will:

  1. Identify potential ethical issues within computing systems, including value conflicts.
  2. Learn how to create effective dialogue with peers.

The slides for today's lecture.

Read This:

Parvin Pollock 2020 Unintended By Design

Do This:

Dialogue Group Formation Deadline is Today

One person in your group needs to send a slack message or email to your TAs (Ruyuan and Ozioma) with each group member’s name by the end of class.

If you don’t know anyone in the class and need help finding a group, or if you are looking for additional group members, talk to your TAs.

Writing Reflection 01

Instructions for Writing Reflection 01 

Writing Reflection 01 is due 1/27 at 12pm

Instructions for Project 01 Released

The project for this upcoming unit on "Ethics in Tech Design" will be the production of a video that summarizes your group's dialogues over the course of the next several weeks. Instructions for Project 01

Group assignments are now finalized. View the group assignments here.

This project is due Saturday 02/18 at 12pm.

Next Week's Dialogue Group Meeting

1. Review Dialogue Training Manual

2. Assign the the Facilitator and Scribe roles to two members of your group. 

3. Find at least one hour to meet with your group to discuss the prompt of the week: (This is the Ice Breaker activity to get the group acquainted with each other, set norms, and introduce individual perspectives.) 

  • What does the future you want to see look like?