Here Comes the Robot Revolution

Thu, Nov 02

In today's session we turn our attention to AI and automation. The current AI renaissance promises to revolutionize work by introducing new efficiencies into the economy that will reduce costs and increase production and productivity. But detractors claim that the human toll of this will be too much to bear, with vanishing jobs and lost human agency. This isn't mere alarmism: more conventional computerized automation has already changed the economy in drastic ways. How do we respond to the challenge of automation with sensible policies that allow us to make the best of automation while avoiding putting able workers into unemployment?  

We have three main in-class learning goals. By the end of lecture today you will:

  1. Consider the economic motivations for automating specific jobs and industries.  
  2. Separate the hype from the reality when it comes to claims about what AI can do versus what it is really capable of.
  3. Understand the social cost of automation, from low-end service jobs to high-end skilled labor.  

The slides for today's lecture.

Read This:

An early perspective on automation from Sun Microsystems co-founder (and creator of the vi editor) Bill Joy

Judith Shulevitz writing in the Atlantic on Alexa and other AI voice assistants

Ross Baird looks into Silicon Valley's Unchecked Arrogance as it benefits itself and harms others with automation for Bright Magazine

Jathan Sadowski explains Why Silicon Valley is Embracing Universal Basic Income in the Guardian

Kevin Maney reporting for Newsweek on How Artificial Intelligence and Robots Will Radically Transform the Economy

MIT Report Examines How to Make Technology Work for Society


These optional readings provide additional context on automation's promise and peril:

There's an Automation Crisis Underway Right Now, It's Just Mostly Invisible

FACT CHECK: Do Robots Or Trade Threaten American Workers More?

Andrew Yang Is Full of It


Do This:

Writing Reflection 07

See the instructions posted on the assignment's page

This writing reflection is due on 11/7 at 5pm.

This Week's Dialogue Group Meeting

Find at least one hour to meet with your group to discuss the prompt of the week: Is there anything too extreme to be posted to the Internet?

Schedule your group meeting for next week. The new prompt is: What concerns about AI are overhyped at the present moment?

Project 01

This project is due Today 11/2 at 5pm.

The project for this unit on social media will be the production of a video that summarizes your group's dialogues over the course of the next several weeks. Review the instructions that have been posted on the Project 01 page.

Please complete the Team Member Evaluation Form and drop it in your Google drive folds that is shared with Ellen before the project deadline. 

Project 02

This project is due Tuesday 11/21 at 5pm.

The project for this unit on AI will be a Letter to the Editor that summarizes your group's dialogues over the course of the next several weeks. Review the instructions that have been posted on the Project 02 page.

Watch This: