
Tue, Nov 14

Today's session is all about AI technologies that analyze the human face in some capacity. This includes face detection, face recognition, facial attribute assignment, and other technologies that use face images as input. The applications of these technologies vary, from camera-based surveillance to more natural human-computer interaction. The response to the sudden appearance of government and consumer-facing facial analysis products has been sharply critical, with outright calls to ban these technologies coming from a number of different groups. But is that a good idea in every case?

We have three main in-class learning goals. By the end of lecture today you will:

  1. Have an understanding of the different types of facial analysis technologies, including what they do and how they work. 
  2. Consider the problem of dataset bias and its impact of machine learning algorithm performance.
  3. Survey the different applications where facial analysis technologies are being used, and pose questions about which ones are beneficial and which are harmful.  

The slides for today's lecture.

Read This:

Evan Selinger and Woody Hartzog writing in the New York Times ask What Happens When Employers Can Read Your Facial Expressions?

Kashmir Hill's expose in the New York Times on the secretive face recognition company Clearview AI

Amy Harmon's expose in the New York Times on the city of Detroit's use of face recognition for policing

Larry Hardesty summarizes for MIT News work by Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru that discovered gender and skin-type bias in commercial facial analysis systems

Johana Bhuiyan reporting for the Los Angeles Times on a Major camera company that can sort people by race, and alert police when it spots Uighurs

Mark Harris writing for IEEE Spectrum on How Facial Recognition Technology Is Helping Identify the U.S. Capitol Attackers

Tom Simonite writing for Wired on How Facial Recognition Is Fighting Child Sex Trafficking


There is an enormous amount of writing on the topic of automated facial analysis. Here are a few more optional readings on this topic:

Defund Facial Recognition

How China uses facial recognition to control human behavior

One Month, 500,000 Face Scans: How China Is Using A.I. to Profile a Minority

Keystroke tracking, screenshots, and facial recognition: The boss may be watching long after the pandemic ends

Clearview AI finally takes part in a federal accuracy test

How to make AI less racist

Europe Wants to Ban Facial Recognition—Take Note, America

Do This:

Writing Reflection 09

See the instructions posted on the assignment's page

This writing reflection is due on 11/21 at 5pm.

This Week's Dialogue Group Meeting

Find at least one hour to meet with your group to discuss the prompt of the week: What concerns about AI are legitimate at the present moment?

Reading Quiz 11

The form for Reading Quiz 11 follows below. If you can't see the form below, try this direct link.


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